How to apply to the skin of earthworms: the kitchen and safety measures

How to take the cloves for parasites? It is necessary to first determine the type of worm infestation, its stage. According to what is called the dosage and duration of treatment. Take the clove is not less than 7 days, after that we made a break for a week, then the course is repeated. Because of the high content of component eugenol in the essential oil of spices may give side effects.

The clove

Curative Action

  • Properties and the biocidal properties. In the essential oil of clove contains aromatic phenolic substance eugenol (85%). It is the eugenol antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anthelmintic properties. Have been conducted in laboratory during roundworm in pigs and dogs. It has been proven that the tongue destroys the envelope of the down to earth, destroys the eggs and larvae. Also, it has been confirmed that the anthelmintic action of clove increases in combination with the peanut butter.
  • The beneficial effects on digestion. When parasitic infestations often suffers from digestive system: violated appetite, nausea, heartburn, belching, bloating, it is possible to develop colitis and enterola colitis, inflammation of the liver, of the biliary tract. The clove has anti-inflammatory, secretory and spasmolytic. The spice normalizes the appetite, stimulates the production of enzymes, removes the distension of the intestine, cramping, and abdominal pain, regulates the chair.
  • Nervin. When parasitic infestations affecting the immune system, decreases its protective functions. The clove helps in strengthening the body, acts as an immuno-stimulant natural.


What you need to know about giardiasis?

  • Giardia the most common the most simple, which inhabit the small intestine of man.
  • Each year the giardiasis are infected with 200 million people, mainly countries of Asia, Latin America, Africa.
  • In Russia, the rate of infection giardiasis is also quite high. This is mainly related to wastewater pollution, outdated treatment facilities, anti-sanitation.
  • Giardia cysts can detect after scatological study (analysis of stools). To identify them, it takes a few times to take the test.
  • Also antibodies to lamblias may be detected in the blood after 3 to 4 weeks after infection.


You need to know about the opistorhoze?

  • It is a parasitic disease caused by flat worms trematodes.
  • Distributed in Kazakhstan, in Ukraine, in Russia and in the countries of South-east Asia.
  • The infection occurs through reception in the foods raw or poorly heat-treated fish.
  • Are flash opisthorchiasis in Europe and in North America due to the shipment of contaminated fish.
  • Trematodes hit the ducts of the gallbladder and the pancreas.
  • Despite the duration of treatment, the prognosis is favorable, even in the chronic forms of opisthorchiasis.
  • The acute phase of opisthorchiasis is being treated in a hospital, where you must restore the affected by the GASTROINTESTINAL organs, the elimination of the poisoning, an allergic reaction.
  • Giardiasis
  • The clinical presentation is not sufficient to establish a diagnosis "opisthorchiasis", because its symptoms are similar to other diseases of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder.
  • Only after the discovery of eggs trematodes in the stool or the juice of the duodenum, as well as during the onset of antigens in the blood confirms the diagnosis.
  • The cloves of opisthorchiasis is not a standalone drug, it can be included in a drug therapy.

How to drink the clove against the parasites in the liver?

  • Only under the supervision of a physician and re-key analysis.
  • The therapeutic effect can provide the combination of spices, with flowers of tansy and wormwood ("triad").
  • You can't just drink tea, a training of the body.
  • After the receipt of cloves with other herbs need to follow a diet and to spend restorative, supportive therapy.
  • In scientific medicine during the opistorhoze spend therapy synthetic anti-helminthic drugs.

If you take a clove against opisthorchiasis without the supervision of a physician and destination, treatment, self-medication can lead to serious complications — process purulent in the liver, bile peritonitis, acute pancreatitis, liver failure, liver cancer, the gap of the biliary tract. Patients who have suffered an opisthorchiasis, are on the dispensary at least six months. Requires a lot of time for the recovery of the digestive system.

Features and schema of the receipt in adults

  • The preparation of the body. Depending on the type of worm infestation, its stage, the age of the patient is held for 7-14 days. It is necessary to switch to a diet that is low in fat, consume a lot of vegetables and vegetable oil, to exclude the sweet and the flour (in particular in the giardiasis). Are also known as cholagogues, antihistamines, sorbents.
  • Proper pest control treatment. A course of anti-helminthic drugs can be from 5 to 10 days. Then once the reception, if it is high a synthetic drug. A repeat course is awarded after a one week break. After receiving welcome a laxative to clean the bowel.
  • Therapy support. Takes place over several weeks. Includes enzymes, multivitamin complex, immunostimulants, carbonated, diet, probiotics to restore the microbial flora.

How to take the cloves of parasites: before you eat or after? Like all anti-helminthic tools — for 20 to 30 minutes before meals. The good reception of cloves with other anti-helminthic drugs gives the opportunity to avoid the poisoning and allergies.

The clove in the roundworm and pinworm

If opistorhoze and giardiasis requires the use of a synthetic anti-helminthic drug, when the proper plan of treatment of ascariasis and enterobiasis can go without herbal medicines. The most effective way — "triad". You can also use cloves in the form of decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures, oil. Counter-enema with the help of clove decoctions, they can irritate the lining of the intestines, cause an allergic reaction and inflammation.


Security measures and comments

Service interference — a topic that is often discussed in the networks. And often, people have more confidence and popular (or newfangled), methods of treating worms, that the opinion of official medicine. What you need to be aware of?

  • The treatment for worm infestation should proceed to a doctor.
  • A parasitologist has warned that the herbal treatment can lead to the chronic, ongoing process of implementation.
  • For plant anthelmintic the tool does not require a high dosage.
  • And this, in turn, often leads to side effects and poisoning of the body.
  • The evil of the synthetic anthelmintic of the tool will not be much more that the side effects of an overdose.
  • Experiencing positive reviews on the treatment of grommets ascariasis and enterobiasis.
  • Often occur side effects after taking cloves with other anthelmintic medicines are : diarrhea, belching, heartburn, nausea, dizziness, headache, weakness, increase of temperature.
  • All of these signs may be a sign of intoxication and a bad treatment plan.
  • During the cleaning of the intestine and the body are often exacerbated by the chronic diseases.
  • In the case of side effects should immediately consult a physician.

The treatment of children

In the composition of clove — a strong phenolic substance eugenol. So the kids of this tool, you must apply with the greatest caution. La spezia can give side effects and allergic reactions. How to make a spice for children, at what age, at what dose and how many days is necessary to give to all of these questions you need to ask your doctor.

  • The cloves of giardia children. Very often, the giardiasis, is diagnosed among children 1 to 4 years. The rules of personal hygiene at this age are often violated, the contamination is through unclean hands.
  • Enterobiasis and ascariasis. The herbal treatments during these types of worm infestation of the child often applies. Anthelmintic possess the properties of such herbs: tansy, st. john's wort, immortelle, calendula, clove, nettle, wormwood, gentian, nard, hops, cranberries, nuts, garlic, onion, pumpkin seeds, thyme, caraway seeds. Ascaris and pinworms success is derived from the organism of children, but also to successfully live with him.
  • It is important to know. Repeated treatment spend, to destroy the eggs and larvae, pinworms and roundworms. In addition, it is extremely important to the hygiene during the ascariasis and enterobiasis. It is necessary to spend disinfection of premises, as often as possible to change underwear, bed linen. If pinworms or ascaris has been infected by a child, a preventive treatment should pass by all the family.
Security measures

The cooking anti-helminthic-based products clove

To the house of cloves, you can prepare a decoction, infusion, tincture, powder. Most often the spices add to the anti-helminthic herbal.


The infusion is prepared in tea of clove. You can apply for buds, but better steamed the powder of cloves. The powder dose is 0.5 g per day, you can take 1.5 g of powder. In most recipes, it is possible to meet the dosage in grams. Therefore, he will have an electronic balance of high accuracy of measurement.


  1. Take 1.5 g of cloves.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Allow to rest for 1 hour.
  4. The strain.

The infusion can be divided into 3 doses per day. Drink 20 minutes before meals. For example: 1 teaspoon approximately placed 6-7 g of coffee powder cloves. If prepare an infusion of the buds, and 300 ml of water take 6 buds. But this way is considered to be more preventive than curative.


The decoction of the more be taken at the pinworm and roundworm. We emphasize once again: it only applies to the enema.


  1. Take 1.5 g of ground spices.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Hold in a bain-marie for 1 minute.
  4. Let sit for 30 minutes.
  5. The strain.

Take the same dose as the infusion. And decoctions and infusions is preferable not to store it for future use, as the essential oil evaporates quickly, the tool loses its anti-helminthic properties. Also in the recipes of the meeting of the other the dosage of clove — 3 g of powder of powder. It is rational, it is in the parasites. However, it must be remembered that the increase in doses may lead to several side effects.


Alcoolate can be stored for a long time. It is used not only in the helminth, but also in diseases of nervous system, digestive system, viral, bacterial, fungal infections.


  1. Take 30 g of buds of clove.
  2. Pour a half-liter of vodka.
  3. Let stand for 14 days.
  4. Shake regularly.

Before you apply a dye to the filter. Take 1 teaspoon. Stored in the refrigerator.

Flowers cloves


The most effective drugs in the form of earthworms is considered to powder, which wash with water. The powder is more slow passes in the gastro-intestinal tract and slowly absorbed. Such influence negatively for parasites. He is of the opinion that the clove powder of giardiasis and opisthorchiasis much more effective than decoctions, infusions, and alcoolate.

The recipe of the "triad"

  1. Mix 100 g of powder of tansy, 50 g of powder of cloves and 25 g of powder of wormwood.
  2. Place them in a dry place ability.
  3. Close the lid.

The mixture shall within a period of 7 days strict schema. It is:

  1. Day 1: consumed in a single dose in the morning — 1 teaspoon without slides;
  2. Day 2: have updated two of the dose in the morning and the afternoon;
  3. 3 and the following days: are updated three doses morning, noon and evening.

The combination of clove with these two herbs gives a therapeutic effect. Mugwort has long been well-known anti-helminthic properties. More info on how to take wormwood for parasites, read it in another article. Tansy is also refers to the famous vermifuge ways. In addition, mix the cloves, and flax.

The preparation of the powder of cloves and linseed

  1. Take 1 part of clove.
  2. Add 10 pieces of linen.
  3. Grind in a coffee grinder.
  4. Pour in a dry place ability.

Taken in the form of powder — 1 teaspoon before meals for 3 days. He then made a break of 3 days, and then medication. According to such a schema of linen with carnation drink months. Of the powder, you can drink the water or add it to the food.

Pharmaceutical preparations

The clove is included in the composition of dietary supplements and is not officially refers to pharmacological group anti-helminthic funds.

  • The capsule. Composed of a clove, tansy and wormwood. The capsules can take children from the age of 12. In the instructions for use are indicated the two modes of reception. The first — take 2 capsules 3 times per day for 6 to 8 weeks. The second — 2 capsules on the first day; 2 capsules 2 times on the second day; 2 capsules, three times 3 to 7 days, from 8 days and older: 2 capsules 1 time per week. The second method is considered the most mild, it is fewer side effects.
  • The powder for the children. Because the "triad" of tansy, cloves and wormwood for the children is considered too aggressive, produce children of the option of the "triad". It is composed of three herbs — extract of cumin, thyme and calendula. Allowed to use in children 3 years of age.
  • Anti-helminthic of the candle. In the composition of the medicine: extracts of sage, tansy, cloves, pumpkin seed oil. The base — cocoa butter. The candles put on the night after the emptying of the intestine. The course of treatment — month. The drug is designed not only for adults. Children from the age of 5 are about ½ of the candle at different types of worms — protozoa, circular band. The tool has an impact not only on the parasites, but also viruses, fungi, bacteria. The long-term use is possible local allergic reaction, the violation of the microflora of the intestine. Before applying recommended to consult a doctor.

The cloves of earthworms such as the deployment of the tool is rarely used. It is frequently used in the nail of clove, tansy, wormwood. Using this tool, you need to apply the strict schema and in the exact dosage. It is a good remedy for cleansing the body, giardiasis and opistorhoze. For the treatment and prevention of ascariasis and enterobiasis you can drink an infusion of cloves, decoction, alcoholic tincture.